Untimely Pay Claims Under New York Labor Law § 191*
Untimely Pay Claims Under New York Labor Law § 191*

Does the New York Labor Law permit manual employees who aren’t paid on time to receive liquidated damages? The First Department answered “yes” in Vega v. CM & Assocs. Constr. Mgmt., LLC, 175 A.D.3d 1144 (1st Dept. 2019). Most courts have followed Vega. Background          Labor Law § 191 requires that…

Tipped Employees in New York*

Tipped employees in New York may end up receiving less than they’re owed if they don’t understand their legal rights.  Here are some things you should know.  Is There a Lower Minimum Wage for Tipped Employees?             Yes, but only if certain preconditions are met.  A common myth is that…

10 Common Mistakes Employees make when Getting Fired*

“Being unemployed is not just about financial loss, it’s also about loss of self-esteem and identity.” – Unknown Getting fired can be traumatic, especially for those who worked hard and invested time and energy in their careers. It can undermine one’s self-esteem and confidence, leading to feelings of shame, embarrassment,…